
NewhatsApp APK Latest Version 2021

Download NEWhatsApp Apk With more than 1.6 billion users, a super trending platform awaits you. With the addition of mod attributes, the basic features have been enhanced to provide excellent customization and extend the send limit. The security and privacy settings have significantly improved, and the connection and conversation are more stable and smooth.

Plus, the simple app limits users’ ability to save documents over 16 Mb, which exhausts them. Despite this, the NEWhatsApp exceeded the boundary at 50 Mb. As well, the customization is indicative of changes that have been made to the user interface to create an interaction. 

Upgraded Comparison with previous modes

It does not restrict its users based on their location, but it provides global access, making it a web app. NeWhatsApp apk download offers a full assortment of innovative features compared to WhatsApp GB and improved status control.

Many developers have deployed the many different versions of WhatsApp, but it is the new version with satisfaction level that has gained the most popularity. The top display, icons, functions, and other controls can all be customized to make the game more interesting if you’ve grown bored. 

My privacy is still maintained by this version of this social app that shows me offline. I am safe and secure. In an insecure world where you always feel unsafe, it seems like the perfect solution. It is impossible to underestimate the power of a good encryption algorithm.

What is the NEWhatsApp Apk?

The new WhatsApp comes with a pink appearance as well as some other specific information. If you do not feel the fresh vibe from the default app display, you can choose a brighter setting. In order to depict the sweetness and charm of the interface, the developer picked the pink color.

It allows users to communicate with friends, family members, and relatives more effectively through pink WhatsApp. You can send multimedia and messages to any location, regardless of where you are. A stable connection allows for a quick and straightforward process. Consequently, it is now being used as a resource for educational content. 

It is true that WhatsApp has given shelter to half of the online education system during the Corona pandemic. Due to this reason, you can opt for this latest version that provides easy control and options for beginner students or novices. 

Notably, its appearance is the most important trend that attracts attention from users. To keep the themes separate, you can store them in your memory card. 

Astonishing features regarding the NEWhatsApp Apk

Let’s explore some of the valuable attributes in the latest version of your app. Also, we will discuss the way of using that will ensure benefits.

Chat Screen

The first thing you will see on the chat screen, with more options and functions that you can customize according to your preferences. You can lock up the description, for example, if you wish to hide the group name for some reason. Furthermore, it displays the upcoming messages at the top of the conversation sort. 


Second, the Graphical User Interface can be customized via almost seven profiles. A launcher option lets you dismiss the app name if you wish, as well as custom font options.

Video Limit

Additionally, I know that WhatsApp’s official message limit is just 16 Mb, preventing the users from communicating fully. 

This was primarily the issue that has been resolved with the apk file. It is now possible to upload 50 Mb instead of 16 Mb. For this reason, it is considered as a means of delivering educational content. 


In addition, it will introduce you to several luxurious features that would assist you in getting the most out of the app. There was a limit of 139 characters for status descriptions, and only 10 images could be attached to a status. 

You can deliver 90 pictures to a WhatsApp chat and display 250 characters to describe yourself with the pink NEWhatsApp download. This file allows sharing links with anyone without storing contact numbers on the conversations interface.


It’s no surprise that all the functions work in their orbits. There is no interference with the working of other properties or processes. 

Specifically, the policies for discrimination are all in place. They allow users to become familiar with both broadcasting and regular messages. 

Animation Effects

With different built-in effects, you can embellish your dry text. In contrast, these effects provide an enhanced user experience and improve communications. You will soon be able to respond in an optimal way. 

Automatic Reply

If your workload continues to be heavy, then you can automate the delivery and existence of your messages. By using this feature, you can send at least 1000 texts automatically. It is soon necessary to understand the Scheduler that sets the text transporting priority before scheduling messages.

Hide rules

It is possible to disappear for some time for certain things. For starters, by limiting the text to just your name, last seen, status, and messages, your voice and video calls are not affected. 


To conclude, NEWhatsApp offers quality and sound options. Uniquely, animation has grabbed the attention of the world. Pinkish icons make the interface appear fresh and clear. Additionally, the customization has the benefit of providing user-specific features.

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