What Is VPS Hosting?

Whether just being curious about what VPS (virtual private server) hosting is or considering investing in it, this article brings all the necessary information on VPS hosting, including a comparison with other types of VPS.

Definition of VPS 

If you have often wondered what is VPS hosting, it’s simply a type of hosting service. Generally, it runs in a virtual environment on a physical server by a third party, but it’s dedicated to private use. Its purpose is to host all required data and software for running any website or app.

There are three major types of hosting. Shared, dedicated, and VPS hosting. As the main focus is on VPS hosting, the other two will be mentioned throughout the article for comparison. 

VPS Hosting as an Exclusive Hosting Service

VPS hosting is regarded as an exclusive hosting service because even though VPS is shared between other users, there’s no restriction to the internal memory, hard disk space, and processing power. Plus, there’s no issue with sharing hardware, as in shared hosting.

In dedicated hosting, one single user is using a server. However, it’s quite expensive, and such servers are mostly used by larger corporations that need them.

Three Types of VPS Hosting

These types of VPS hosting services differ in what extent the hosting is managed by the user and the third party who owns the server. Which one to choose depends on how much users know about maintaining the server independently.

The types of  VPS Hosting are:

  • unmanaged or self-managed 
  • semi-managed
  • fully managed

Who Should Use VPS Hosting?

VPS hosting is for all those whose website traffic has increased and who need better VPS hosting services for better website or app performance. This means that if shared hosting is overloaded, visitors will have problems with loading, browsing, or any other activity they want to perform on the site.

Moreover, with VPS hosting, any user can customize software and do all other configurations without affecting the other users on the same server.

Reliability of VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is more secure because users can add firewalls, anti-viruses, and other protection measures without affecting each other. Moreover, owners of websites and apps can even add different operating systems and optimization configurations without affecting each other.

Exclusive VPS Hosting

To sum up, there’s no website or app that doesn’t need a qualitative server for smooth running. Shared hosting lacks many things. Dedicated hosting is a bit too pricey for everyone’s pocket. While VPS hosting provides all its users with everything they need Thus, everyone who wants a smooth-running website should consider choosing one of these VPS services.

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