Botany at Dairy Farm

View the Showflats at Botany at Dairy Farm

To view the Showflats at Botany at Dairy Farm, simply call the Developer Sales Representative at (+65) 61001380. He or she will be happy to give you a tour of the development. For more information, read our articles on Plant species richness, Phytosociological classes, Quality scheme, and Schools near Botany at Dairy Farm.

Plant species richness

Plant species richness is a measure of plant diversity on a dairy farm. It includes total plant species, insect-pollinated forbs, and graminoids. It is also related to local factors, such as soil quality, farming system, and distance metrics. Plant species richness at a dairy farm differs from other types of farms.

Plant species richness was calculated as the mean (+-SD) for plant species per transect between the conventional and organic fields. The letters above the bars indicate statistical significance between groups. We also examined the similarity of plant communities by edge and centre, using Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) with Bray-Cury index. We also used PERMANOVA+ to estimate significance values. The study revealed three distinct plant community groups.

Phytosociological classes

Plant species composition was measured by determining the number of species present in one plot. The composition of plant species was also measured with regard to their botanical family and phytosociological class. The higher the dairy income, the lower the plant species richness. A higher dairy income also means fewer species for the farm to feed. Interestingly, the income from the farm had a smaller impact on the plant species richness than milk yield or livestock density did.

The study also compared plant species composition among conventional and organic farms and compared the composition of the plants within each of the four compartments. We found that plant species composition changed with the income from dairying: the frequency of Ranunculus repens increased as income increased, and the frequency of Centaurea nigrescens and Ornithogalum umbellatum decreased. Moreover, the composition of botanical families varied depending on the type of housing system used by the dairy farmers. In the tie-stall system, the prevalence of the Rosaceae and Fabaceae was higher than in the loose-farming system.

Quality scheme

A new quality scheme at dairy farms is in the works. This will be introduced by Bord Bia in the early part of next year. Farmers who fail extra inspections or fail to meet certain quality standards could be demoted. There has been a lot of controversy over the scheme and its implementation. Farm organisations, feed suppliers and milk processors have all voiced concerns about the scheme.

The scheme is open to all milk producers and processors with a valid herd registration. In order to join, producers need to complete an application form which they can send to Bord Bia directly or through their milk purchaser. Once they have completed their application, they will receive a full independent audit of their dairy farm. During the audit process, producers are required to disclose all relevant information and give permission for the audit.

Schools near Botany at Dairy Farm

The Botany at Dairy Farm is one of the latest residential developments by Sim Lian Group. Situated in Bukit Panjang, this development is easily accessible by car and MRT. It is also located near several nature reserves, including Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and Hillview MRT station. The development is close to several retail, dining, and leisure establishments, as well as to everyday necessities.

Schools near Botany at Dairy Farm are in close proximity to the development. Nearby schools include German European School Singapore and Hillview MRT station, which make commuting easy for families. The area is also close to parks and nature reserves, which help to provide a serene environment for residents.

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